UKK dan Pembahasan Bahasa Indonesia Kelas XI SMA Semester 2 TA 2014/2015


People need water. We cannot live without water. A person should drink at least eight glasses of water a day. If a person does not drink enough water, he can suffer kidney trouble. A big man should drink more eight glasses a day.
In Indonesia many children die of dehydration. This means they die because of lack water in their bodies. So we must make sure that our children drink enough water, especially when they are suffering from diarrhea.
At present, many governments of the world are worried about the water supplies in their countries. Fresh water is becoming more and more difficult to get. In many cities where there are many people, the level of water in the underground wells is getting lower and lower. The loss of forests due to erosion or the irresponsible cutting down of trees often means loss of water from wells under the ground. Trees are very important for water preservation.
Dams preserve or store the water that many of our towns and cities need. Dams have many functions. They hold back rain water that may result in floods if not checked. They also provide water to irrigate the farms with.
People can use the waterfalls of a dam to produce electricity. Electricity gives light and energy to our houses and factories.

1. Paragraph ........ of the above text says that the supplies of fresh water in many countries are decreasing.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

Jawaban : C

2. According to the text above, the statement ........ is not true.
A. It is said that people may survive without water
B. Lack of water in our bodies may cause kidney trouble
C. Man should drink at least eight glasses of water a day
D. It is getting more and more difficult to have fresh water
E. The irresponsible cutting down of trees causes loss of water

Jawaban : A

3. Which of the following does not belong to the functions of a dam ?
A. To irrigate farms
B. To flood the villages
C. To produce electricity
D. To hold back rain water
E. To store or preserve water

Jawaban : B

4. Another source of water is rivers. 
The word "source" means .......
A. the origin of a thing
B. waste thrown into the rivers
C. the starting point of a river
D. place from which something comes
E. original material for something

Jawaban : D


The word "marine" comes from the Latin word "mare" which means "sea". Marine life means all the animal and plant species that live in the waters of the sea.
The geography of the seabed, the floor of the sea, is not so different from that of the land. There are hills, high mountains, valleys, rolling plains and plateaus. Below the low tide mark the bottom of the sea slopes gently downwards to a depth of depth of about 100 fathoms, in the from of a shelf known as the continental shelf.
On the surface of the sea there are tiny floating plants and animals, including the eggs and young of larger animals and jelly-fishes, that are called "plankton". The plankton is important because a great many fishes feed on it.
Seaweeds live in the shallow waters, no deeper than 50 fathoms as they need fairly strong sunlight to assimilate their food. In China and Japan seaweeds are eater; in Europe carrageen is used for thickening soup and making jellies.
The really deep sea is cold and dark because the sunlight cannot penetrate the depths. The pressure in the deep sea is higher than in the shallow water, and the fishes are much more fragile and delicate in appearance than those from parts of the sea where the pressure is lower. Some have large eyes and can see, but others are completely blind.

5. The earth's surface looks almost the same as the bottom of the sea.
This sentence is in paragraph .......
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

Jawaban : D

6. Which of the following statements is not correct according to the text ........
A. Seaweeds need fairly strong sunlight to assimilate their food
B. The pressure in the shallow water is lower than that in the deep one
C. There are no hills, valleys and mountains on the floor of the sea
D. Rolling plains, high mountains and plateaus are found on the seabed
E. All the animal and plant species that live in the sea are called marine life

Jawaban : C

7. Plankton comprises tiny floating plants and animals ........
A. on the seabed
B. on the seashore
C. in shallow waters
D. at the bottom of the sea
E. on the surface of the sea

Jawaban : E

8. The plankton is important because a great many fishes feed on it.
The underlined word "it" in paragraph 3 refers to ........
A. the egg
B. plankton
C. a jelly-fish
D. a tiny floating plant
E. the young of larger animals

Jawaban : B

9. The sunlight cannot penetrate the deep sea. 
The underlines word means ........
A. move to
B. come in
C. see into
D. run into
E. pass through

Jawaban : E


At 9,50 a.m. West Indonesia Time, on Monday 21st July 1969, the American astronaut Neil Armstrong, made history by becoming the first man to step on the moon. Hundreds of millions of people watched and listened from the planet Earth 240.000 miles away.
Armstrong lifted his foot from the landing of his spaceship, the "Eagle", and slowly and carefully pressed it into the moon's surface. Testing his ability to walk in the weak lunar gravity - one sixth of that on earth. He moved slowly in his space suit. He found that he could move easily. With increasing confidence he began to move away from "Eagle".
He was greatly surprised to look at his footprints in the soft moon sand. He was so pleased with the new experience that he almost forgot about his task of collecting a small sample of lunar soil, and had to be reminded about it.
He collected the sample and put it into a pocket on the left leg of his suit. If he had to leave the moon earlier than planned, this sample would be the only lunar soil that he brought back to earth. Taking a long look at the view around him, Armstrong said, "It's different, but it's pretty out here".
Now he was safe on the moon. In twenty minutes his friend Edwin Aldrin would come out of "Eagle" and join him. Armstrong and Aldrin spent only two and a half hours on the moon. Although they spent only a few hours there and ventured no farther that about 200 feet from their landing capsule, they brought back information that provided scientists with many years of research.
Lunar module, after leaving the moon, rejoined command module piloted by Michael Collins.

10. Armstrong found that he could move easily on the moon's surface. 
The idea above can be found in paragraph .......
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

Jawaban : B

11. .... and had to be reminded about it. ( Paragraph 3 ) 
The word "it" refers to .......
A. moving slowly
B. wearing a space suit
C. collecting lunar soil
D. moving away from eagle
E. looking at his footprints

Jawaban : C

12. Neil Armstrong almost forgot to collect the sample of the lunar soil because ........
A. he did not know what to do
B. he did not have self confidence
C. he moved slowly on the moon's surface
D. he was very happy with the new experience
E. he moved away from the landing capsule with fear

Jawaban : D

13. The astronauts were ordered to bring back all of the following to the earth except ........
A. the lunar module
B. the command module
C. a sample of lunar soil
D. information for research
E. their footprints in the moon sand

Jawaban : E

14. According to the text above, which statement is not true ?
A. Neil Armstrong and Aldrin were American astronauts
B. In 20 minutes Edwin Aldrin would join Neil Armstrong
C. Millions of people on the earth watched the moon landing
D. Neil Armstrong forgot his task of collecting a small sample
E. Neil Armstrong was greatly surprised to look at his footprints

Jawaban : D

15. "He was so pleased this new experience that he almost forgot to collect a few samples of lunar soil" 
The word "lunar" means having to do with the ........
A. sun
B. star
C. moon
D. earth
E. space

Jawaban : C


As the supplies of fossil fuels, coal, oil, and gas are running out, scientists have been trying hard to find ways of obtaining other kinds of fuels. They have succeeded in finding one that is very efficient, nuclear fuel.
One pound of uranium, for example, produces as much energy as three million pounds of coal. Unfortunately, atomic energy ores will at last run out too. It is a good thing that a source of abundant energy sunlight has been patiently waiting for the scientists. However only a limited amount has so far been used by man.
A very old way of using sunlight directly is to make a fire. By using a magnifying glass, sunlight can be concentrated and the resulting heat is enough to start a fire.
Solar energy can be used in telephone communications, space technology and farming. Solar batteries have been in experimental use for a number of years to power telephone lines. They are now being used to recharge batteries which power instruments used in space vehicles. Scientists have also succeeded in developing solar pumps that can raise water for irrigation.
The sun seems to be an ideal source of energy for a great many uses. Yet to change the abundant sunlight into energy is a different matter. The instruments needed to catch the sun's energy are still very expensive.
However, once man succeeds in catching even a small part of that energy, nobody would worry about running out of fossil fuels or uranium ores.

16. Scientists have succeeded in making use of solar energy in farming. 
The idea can be found in paragraph .......
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

Jawaban : D

17. Which statement is not true according to the text ?
A. By using a magnifying glass we start a fire
B. Atomic energy ores can't be replaced by anything else.
C. The instruments for catching solar energy are very expensive
D. People are making experiments with solar energy to power telephone lines
E. Scientists made experiments with sunlight because atomic energy

Jawaban : B

18. Why have scientists been making experiment with sunlight ? 
Because ........
A. there are plenty of fossil fuels
B. uranium is the only nuclear fuel
C. they have succeeded in finding uranium
D. the existing sources of energy are running out
E. a source of abundant energy has been waiting for them

Jawaban : D

19. Explain the use of sunlight in olden times. For ........
A. making fires
B. raising water
C. converting energy
D. irrigating fields
E. recharging batteries

Jawaban : A

20. The resulting heat is enough to start a fire. (Paragraph 3 ) 
The italic words refer to the heat of ......
A. oil
B. coal
C. fire
D. the sun
E. uranium

Jawaban : D

21. The word "abundant" (in paragraph 2) means ........
A. useful
B. careful
C. wasteful
D. grateful
E. plentiful

Jawaban : E


The human body is made up of countless million of cells. Food is needed to build up new cells and replace parts that are damaged or worn out so that the body can frow. Food is also needed as fuel to provide energy for each cell, so that it can carry out its work properly.
However, the food that we take into mouth must be changed into substances that can be carried in the blood to the places where they are needed. This process is called digestion.
The first digestive process takes place in the mouth. Some of the food, bread, rice and meat, for example is broken up into small pieces by the action of the teeth, and is mixed with saliva, a juice secreted by glands in the mouth. Saliva is the first of the digestive juice which the blood meets on its way through the digestive system. These juice contain enzyme in saliva is responsible for breaking down carbohydrates.
From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus, into the stomach. Here the digestive juice made by the cells in the stomach wall play their part. The food is mixed with the juices for several hours, and when it is very nearly liquid, it is squeezed through into the small intestine. Here more digestive juices get to work.

22. The idea of paragraph one is about .......
A. the human body
B. the number of cell
C. the function of food
D. the digestive process
E. the damaged parts of the body

Jawaban : C

23. Food is needed to build up new cells and also to provide .......
A. blood
B. energy
C. juice
D. enzymes
E. vitamins

Jawaban : B

24. Which statement is not correct according to the text ........
A. The human body is made up of countless cells
B. Food is needed to provide energy for each cell
C. The first digestive process takes place in the mount
D. Food has nothing to do with the energy needed for each cell
E. The enzyme in saliva is responsible for breaking down carbohydrate

Jawaban : D

25. Food is also needed as fuel to provide energy for each cell, so that it can carry out its work well. (paragraph 1) 
"It" in the sentence above refers to .......
A. cell
B. food
C. fuel
D. work
E. energy

Jawaban : A

26. From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus, into the stomach. 
The word "esophagus" means .......
A. gland which produces juices
B. parts of organs in the stomach
C. food canal between mouth and stomach
D. cells in the stomach which break food
E. food stuffs which have been made liquid

Jawaban : C

People long ago discovered that moving water has power. But for thousands of years, they put this power, only to very simple uses. For instance, by tying logs together, they made rafts that would carry them downstream.
Once people discovered that they could compel a stream to turn a water wheal, they next put water power to work grinding wheat.
The next development in waterwheels was the turbine. The first person to make a turbine that really worked was a young French engineer. Benoit Foumeyron, in the 1820's. Instead of flat paddles or buckets, the turbine wheel has curved blades that look somewhat like the blades of a ship's propeller. The water flows through these blades as it turn the wheel. The wheel is enclosed in a tub, or housing, with only a small gap between the blades of the turbine and the housing. This every bit of water must pass through the blades and wheeling shaft.

27. We learn from paragraph 3 ........
A. how a turbine works
B. what a turbine cost
C. that moving water has power
D. about the invention of bucket
E. about the uses of moving water

Jawaban : A

28. The word "they" in paragraph 1 and 2 refers to .......
A. logs
B. rafts
C. people
D. simple uses
E. thousands of years

Jawaban : C

29. In a turbine the water flows through the ........ as it turns the wheel.
A. wheel
B. blades
C. buckets
D. turbine
E. flat paddles

Jawaban : B

30. Who was Benoit Foumeyron ?
Benoit Fourneyron was .......
A. labourer
B. a developer
C. a scientist
D. the user of turbines
E. the inventor of turbine

Jawaban : E

31. The underlined word "discovered" in paragraph 2 means .......
A. made
B. found
C. opened
D. constructed
E. looked for

Jawaban : B

Look at the picture. This animal uses ....... to defend irselt from the enemy.
A. poison
B. bad smeel
C. tentacles
D. sharp claws
E. ink-like liquid

Jawaban : E

The three boys are very interested in outdoor life. They like ....... most.
A. riding
B. rowing
C. racing
D. cycling
E. driving

Jawaban : D

34. One of the organs of the united Nations Organization is ........ which has to settle international disputes.
A. the General Assembly
B. the Security Council
C. the Trusteeship Council
D. the Economic and Social Council
E. the International Court of Justice

Jawaban : E

35. To complete his study at the university, an undergraduate student has to write a ........ on a special subject.
A. paper
B. thesis
C. transcript
D. description
E. dissertation

Jawaban : B

36. X : Is your mother a teacher of English ? 
Y : Yes, she is. She ........ it since she was 25
A. teach
B. teaches
C. is teaching
D. was teaching
E. has been teaching

Jawaban : E

37. Harry, don't play with those matches, you'll burn ........
A. myself
B. himself
C. yourself
D. ourselves
E. themselves

Jawaban : C

38. Tuti is very beautiful but her younger sister, Nani is becoming ........
A. most beautiful
B. the most beautiful
C. more beautifully
D. most beautifully
E. more and more beautiful

Jawaban : E

39. We can fix dinner for them here. We can take them to a restaurant. 
We can also say: ........
A. We can dinner for them and take them to a restaurant
B. If we can fix dinner for them here, we can take them to a restaurant
C. We can fix dinner for them here or take them to a restaurant
D. We can take them to a restaurant but we can fix dinner for them here
E. Because we can fix dinner for them here, we can take them to a restaurant

Jawaban : C

40. Tom : Why is father angry with you, fred ? 
Ani : What did Tom ask you ? 
Fred : He asked me why .......
A. father is angry with me
B. is father angry with you
C. father was angry with me
D. was father angry with me
E. father was angry with you

Jawaban : C

41. If he told the truth, they would forgive him. 
This sentence means .......
A. He tells the truth so they forgive him
B. He tells the truth, but they cannot forgive him
C. He does not tell the truth, but they forgive him
D. Although he tells the truth, they cannot forgive him
E. He does not tell the truth, so they cannot forgive him

Jawaban : E

42. My friends are of the opinion that people who live in villages are more friendly than those who live in cities. 
The word "those" refers to .......
A. people
B. cities
C. opinion
D. villages
E. my friends

Jawaban : A

43. Coach : Rina did not succeed in her attempts 
Trainee : .........................................
A. I did either
B. Either did I
C. Neither did I
D. I didn't neither
E. Neither didn't I

Jawaban : C

44. Every time he meets me, he always complains. I wish he ....... it.
A. won't do
B. didn't do
C. doesn't do
D. hasn't done
E. hadn't done

Jawaban : B

45. Mr. Wardiman : I spent an hour repairing my car but it still didn't work. 
Mr. Anton : Why didn't you have the mechanic ........ it ?
A. repair
B. repairs
C. repaired
D. to repair
E. repairing

Jawaban : A

46. X : What do you think of this novel ? 
Y : .......................... 
X : Yes, I think so. I like it very it very much and I have read it twice.
A. It's boring, isn't it ?
B. It's interesting, isn't it ?
C. It's too expensive, isn't it ?
D. I think it is very expensive, isn't it ?
E. I think it is too hard to understand, isn't it ?

Jawaban : B

47. Leny : Why were you absent yesterday 
Lili : My grandma passed away. 
Leny : Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. 
The last sentence expresses .......
A. regret
B. surprise
C. sympathy
D. agreement
E. disappointment

Jawaban : C

48. X : There is a good film at the Olympic Theatre, .......
Y : That would be very nice.
A. Do you ever see it ?
B. Have you ever seen it ?
C. What is the story about
D. Who are the main actors ?
E. What about seeing it tonight ?

Jawaban : E

49. Indra : Alice, have you brought the book you borrowed from me ? 
Alice : Oh ........ I haven't. I'll bring it tomorrow, OK ?
Indra : That's all right.
A. I am glad
B. I am sorry
C. I don't know
D. I am in a hurry
E. I don't remember

Jawaban : B

50. Astrid : Mariam, shall I give you a lift when we go home ? 
Mariam : ........ I plan to stop in Duta Plaza to buy a new blouse
A. No, thanks
B. Don't help me
C. I'm going home alone
D. I don't want your help
E. I'm afraid to go home with you

Jawaban : A



It was mentioned earlier that with the increase in our population, clean water has become a problem. Our rivers have polluted by all sorts of waste. There is rubbish from our homes, dangerous pesticides from our farms, and deadly chemicals from our factories.
In the days when the population was smaller, people's waste could be useful. It could be turned slowly into citrates and phosphates by the natural action of bacteria and air, and these two substances, are needed by plants and fish. But as the pollution increased, waste become so much and so overwhelming that natural processes could no longer keep the water clean. Many fish have been killed by water pollution.
There are many kinds of pollution. They can be grouped into several major classifications, of which we mention here, water pollution and radiation pollution.
Air pollution is caused by car engines and by big factories with large chimneys through which dirty air escape.
Land pollution can be caused by waste or rubbish such as paper, bottles, plastic, aluminium, scraps, junk, etc. Because of our carelessness and laziness. Our surroundings are very dirty. They are filled with household as well as factory waste. Some waste can be broken down by natural organisms such as bacteria. Rubbish like this is called organic waste. On the other hand, rubbish which cannot be broken down by natural organisms is called inorganic waste. This is more difficult to dispose of and it makes the surrounding very unpleasant to look at.

1. According to the text, deadly chemicals come from our .......
A. farms
B. Homes
C. rivers
D. factories
E. population

Jawaban : D

2. What happened with people's waste in the past ?
A. It could be useful
B. It caused land pollution
C. It killed plants and fish
D. It made the water very dirty
E. It turned slowly into bacteria

Jawaban : A

3. Our surroundings are contaminated because of our bad attitude. 
You can find this information in paragraph .......
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

Jawaban : E

4. Which of the following statements is true wording to the text ?
A. All sorts of waste reduce pollution
B. Clean water never because useful for mankind
C. Overwhelming waste kinds of pollution found around us
D. There are many kinds of pollution found around us
E. Inorganic waste can be easily broken down by bacteria

Jawaban : D

5. ......... with the increase in our population ..... , (paragraph 1) 
The underlined word mean .......
A. much more
B. the whole lot
C. arise in the amount
D. a great quality
E. the whole number

Jawaban : C


The air we breathe contains the gases oxygen and nitrogen, and small quantities of other gases. Every gas consists of molecules of a particular, substance, moving rapidly about. The gases can be changed into liquids, and some even to solids, if they are cooled down enough, times oxygen used in factories for making a very hot flame to cut and weld steel is some times stored and carried about in the liquid state, and solid carbon dioxide, usually called dry ice, is used for keeping ice-cream cold.
The kinds of gases used in croakers and gas fires come from three sources. The first kind is made of naphtha, which is a light oil, the second is made from coal, while the third, natural gas, is a almost entirely methane.
Geologists believe that natural gas was produced from carboniferous, or coal-bearing rocks. The gas rose into the holes in the sandstone, and was presented from escaping upwards out of the sandstone by a "cap" rock - usually a form of rock salt - which formed a dome over the natural reservoir of gas.
In Jakarta and other big cities in Indonesia it is common practice to use gas for cooking. Gas reaches the houses through large underground pipes called gas mains; and smaller pipes called service pipes lead to the gas meters in each houses or building. The meter records how much gas is used.
Natural gas and gas from oil has no distinctive smell, so an artificial smell is produced by adding small quantities of concentrated deodorants, to enable people to detect any leak that may occur.

6. Gas reaches the houses through large underground pipes is generally used for .......
A. welding
B. cooking
C. heating .
D. burning
E. detecting

Jawaban : B

7. The ....... paragraph states that air consists of oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases.
A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
E. fifth

Jawaban : A

8. Which of these statements is true according to the text ?
A. Gas can't changed to solids
B. Gas is commonly used by a cook
C. Oxygen can't be used for welding steel
D. Natural gas has a special distinctive smell
E. Air mixes with the gases oxygen and nitrogen

Jawaban : B

9. Paragraph ....... tells you about natural gas which does not smell different from other gases.
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
E. five

Jawaban : E

10. The meter records how much gas is used, (paragraph 4) 
The underlined word means .......
A. says
B. states
C. inform
D. performs
E. indicates

Jawaban : E


In 1984, when Albert Einstein was 15, his father lost money and could not support him any longer. Other boys would have left school and stopped studying. Not Albert. He left school for some time, but he later managed to go to a better school, the polytechnic in Zurich, Switzerland.
On leaving the institute, he discovered that no one could offer him the kind of job he wanted. At last he found a suitable one at the patent office in Bern. Einstein's task at the patent office was to make an investigation of the new products sent to his office. The job did not require much of Einstein time, so he was able to write scientific articles. He published these in 1905. Scientists were surprised by what he had written. There were even more surprised when they knew that these articles, which could have been written by a university professor, were actually written by an official at a patent office.
Investigations were made and it was decided the official should be taken from the patent office and given a more suitable job.
A few years later, Einstein became a professor at the University of Zurich. In 1991 he taught in Prague, and later at the polytechnic Institute in Switzerland, where he had been a student. Then he was requested to move to Berlin.
Einstein stayed in Berlin for 20 years, from 1913 to 1933. During that period he worked on his famous Theory of Relativity. He gave a simple example, in simple language, to explain the wide of relativity. A man riding on a train drops a stone out of the window. To the man on the train, it seems that the stone follows a straight as it drops. However, to a man outside the train, the path of the stone does not seem straight, it looks . like a parabola. The theory expands those of Newton and Galileo, which are correct only under certain conditions.
Einstein made very important contributions in the field of physics. The Nobel Price that he won in 1912 at the age of 42 was no surprise to the scientific world. No scientist beat him in his field. What beat him was time.
He died in Princeton in the U.S.A. in 1955. People believed that he was the century's greatest man of science.

11. Why were scientists surprised by what Albert Einstein had written ?
A. The content of the articles were scientific
B. The articles were written by a well-known scientist
C. The articles were written by a university. professor
D. The articles were written by an official at a patent office
E. The articles were enough because they were written by a university student

Jawaban : D

12. Which of the following statement is true according to the text ?
A. Einstein's father was rich enough to support his study ,
B. Einstein's became a professor when he was at the age of 20
C. Like other boys, Einstein left school and didn't continue his study
D. Although his father was poor, Einstein tried hard to continue his study
E. Einstein spent his time working in Polytechnic Institute before teaching in France

Jawaban : D

13. Einstein didn't get a good job easily; but he never gave up trying to get one. 
This information is found in paragraph .......
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

Jawaban : B

14. ... a straight path as it drops. (paragraph 4) 
"It" refers to .......
A. train
B. stone
C. window
D. theory
E. parabola

Jawaban : B

15. Then he was requested to move to Berlin. (paragraph 3) 
The meaning of the underlined word is .......
A. sent
B. asked
C. forced
D. believed
E. transferred

Jawaban : B


A volcano is mountain a surrounding an opening in the earth's crust. Steam, gases, lava, ashes and other materials are forced out almost continuously from an active volcano. A dormant volcano, on the other hand, erupts at long intervals. In an extinct volcano, the crater has long been closed up with cold, solid lava.
Our earth was a sphere of gases which slowly cooled off from the outside, forming a thin crust of cold, solid materials, containing hot liquid, magma, and gases. It was the very high pressure of the gases forcing the magma through weak parts in the earth crust that formed volcanoes.
There are some 500 volcanoes in our country, of which about 180 are still active. They are found in three rows. The first row stretches over a distance of 7,000 km from North Sumatra, Java, the Northern row of Nusa Tenggara ending up on the island of Saparua near Ambon.
The second row runs from Sulawesi through Sangihe as far as the Philippine Islands; while the third runs from Irian to Halmahera. Kalimantan and the Southern islands of Nusa Tenggara, lying outside those rows, are not volcanic.
Most of our volcanoes are in Java. The most active one is Mount Merapi at the north of Yogya. The northern part of the crater has a high wall, so in eruptions the lava flows in every direction. the hot lava slowly cools off into what is called "lahar".
In he rainy season, when the cools "lahar" on Merapi's slopes is hit by rain it flows down the slopes with great force, destroying everything in its path. The flow of "lahar" mixed with rocks fills up the rivers, while sand covers the fields.

16. An extinct volcano is a volcano that .......
A. is still active
B. has a crater
C. erupts frequently
D. never erupts anymore
E. erupts at long intervals

Jawaban : D

17. What does our earth contain ?
A. Hot substances
B. Sphere of gases
C. Cold solid materials
D. Cool magma and gases
E. Hot liquid, magma, and gases

Jawaban : E

18. When cool lahar flows down the slopes with great force, it severely damages everything in its path. 
This information is found paragraph .......
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 6

Jawaban : E

19. Which of the following statements is true according to the text ?
A. There are about 500 active volcanoes in Indonesia
B. The most active volcano is found in North Sumatra
C. An extinct volcano is a volcano that is no longer active
D. The crater of an active volcano has long been closed up with cold solid lava
E. The row of mountains stretching Kalimantan to Nusa Tenggara are also volcanic.

Jawaban : C

20. ... by rain it flows down .... (paragraph 6) 
"Flows down" means .......
A. takes down
B. slows down
C. runs down
D. moves down
E. brings down

Jawaban : C


There is reason for the deepest concern about the plight of wildlife in our country. Many rare species are threatened with extinction because of the greed of hunters and game collectors. Orangutans are rarely found in their natural habitat in the forests of Kalimantan and Sumatra, but one can find them in zoos and private menageries all over the word. Ruthless hunters kill innocent in circuses. Tiger's headed decorate walls and floors of rich people's home in distant countries. 
If things are allowed to continue in this way, it is feared that very soon all wild life will disappear from our forests. Fortunately, the government has now imposed strict laws on hunting. Some areas are designated wildlife reserves where hunters cannot enter. These include Ujungkulon and Pangandaran in West Java, Merubetiri in East Java, and many more in the other islands.
Some time ago our newspaper contained reports of elephants which had run amok in the province of Lampung. They had emerged from their abode in the forest and destroyed crops and houses belonging to the villagers. The people could not understand why the beasts had suddenly gone wild. The strange thing was that the animals had not come for food, because having wrought destruction they strange thing was that the animals had not animals had not come for food, because having wrought destruction they returned to the forest. They seemed to have come only to vent their anger. As elephants are protected by law, the people could not kill any of them.
The explanation for the elephants, strange behavior is that felt their quiets life had been disturbed by the timber-felling projects and saw-mills set up deep in the forest. The animals felt their domain was being narrowed by man, and so they got angry.
Elephants need peace and quiets for their family life. They also need vast areas of land in which to roam. They live in herds, and each herd likes to have its own territory.

21. The hunter's greed can cause the ....... of rare species.
A. reduction
B. extinction
C. execution
D. extension
E. exclusion

Jawaban : B

22. Strict laws are imposed on hunting to conserve wildlife. 
This information is found in paragraph .......
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

Jawaban : B

23. What is the right statement according to the text ?
A. We find many orangutans in Sumatra and Kalimantan
B. Cruel hunters kill innocent elephant for their valuable ivory tusks
C. The elephants don't want to live in the forest, any longer
D. The elephants disappeared to the forest any longer
E. The people knew for certain any the elephants had suddenly gone wild.

Jawaban : B

24. They seemed to have come only .... (paragraph 3)
"They" refers to .......
A. crepe
B. houses
C. reports
D. elephants
E. newspaper

Jawaban : B

25. Ruthless hunters kill innocent elephants .... (paragraph 1) 
"Ruthless" means .......
A. merciless
B. senseless
C. helpless
D. careless
E. useless

Jawaban : A

What do you call the part of the body pointed by the arrow .......
A. Skin
B. Calf
C. Heel
D. Knee
E. Thigh

Jawaban : D

27. The ....... is the smallest part of a spacecraft where the astronauts and the instrument package are.
A. nose
B. module
C. rocket
D. stages
E. capsule

Jawaban : E

28. Doctor Fleming discovered that the bacteria was killed by the substance produced by .......
A. cell
B. germ
C. mold
D. liquid
E. antiseptic

Jawaban : C

29. Too many people means that pure water is becoming scarce in many years. 
The underlined word means .......
A. not available in a large quantity
B. not available in a small quantity
C. not available in a abundant quantity
D. not available in a special quantity
E. not available in an enough quantity

Jawaban : B

30. The ASEAN ....... was made in Bangkok on 8th August 1967.
A. expansion
B. foundation
C. declaration
D. organization
E. participation

Jawaban : D

31. The following words are connected with ecology, except .......
A. air
B. cloud.
C. balance
D. nitrogen
E. environment

Jawaban : D

32. It is hoped that power plants will lead the way to a wider use of solar energy to run machines. 
"Run" means .......
A. work
B. hasten
C. move
D. operate
E. change

Jawaban : D

33. Which of the following objects does not need electricity to operate it ?
A. Rice-cooker
B. Table-lamp
C. Hair-dryer
D. Tin-opener
E. Food-mixer

Jawaban : D

34. Passengers should check in one hour before departure time.
The underlined word means .......
A. leaving
B. flying
C. boarding
D. starting
E. moving

Jawaban : C

35. One of the ....... of having small families is that parents can give more attention to their children.
A. ways
B. aims
C. effects
D. programmers
E. influences

Jawaban : B

36. The sentences :
Ramli comes to see me 30 minutes ago. He is in the living room now, 
Could be expressed : 
He ....... for her half an hour.
A. waits
B. waited
C. is waiting
D. was waiting
E. has been waiting

Jawaban : E

37. Agung : Oh, it is a very beautiful big temple ........ ? 
Agus : In the 16th century 
Which of the utterances could be used to complete the dialogue above .......
A. When is it built ?
B. When was it built ?
C. When has it been built ?
D. When had it been built ?
E. When was it being built ?

Jawaban : B

38. Father : Did Andi go to the party night ? 
Mother : Yes, ....... he had a lot of assignments, he insisted on going.
A. as
B. since
C. yet
D. however
E. although

Jawaban : E

39. Badrul said to Siska, "If had a car, I would give you a lift in my car."
From Badrul's utterance we know that .......
A. Badrul gives Siska a lift
B. Badrul would give Siska a lift
C. Badrul didn't give Siska a lift
D. Badrul doesn't give Siska a lift
E. Badrul will not give Siska a lift

Jawaban : D

40. Father has just come from the rice field. He is very tired and is lying on the bed now. 
He ........ all day long.
A. will have worked
B. my have worked
C. can have worked
D. must have worked
E. ought to have worked

Jawaban : D

41. Andi : Have you done the last assignment ? 
Badu : Not yet, How about you ? 
Andi : ....... 
Which of these utterance can be used to complete the dialogue above ?
A. I can't either
B. I don't either
C. I mustn't either
D. I'm not either
E. I haven't either

Jawaban : E

42. Rinto said to Maria, I wish Budi had understood what I said. 
From Rinto's utterance we know that .......
A. Budi understands what Rinto says
B. Budi understood what Rinto said
C. Budi had understand what Rinto said
D. Budi didn't understand what Rinto said
E. Budi doesn't understand what Rinto said

Jawaban : D

43. Rudy : Which do you prefer, going for a walk or staying at home ? 
Reny : I think I'd rather ....... at home.
A. stay
B. stayed
C. staying
D. to stay
E. have stayed

Jawaban : A

44. Lidya : Look, mom ! The flowers are getting dry. 
Mother : Oh, I'll soon get them .......
A. water
B. watered
C. watering
D. being watered
E. to be watered

Jawaban : B

45. Hasan : Have you seen my pen, Budi ? 
Udin : What did Hasan ask you ? 
Budi : He asked me whether I .......
A. saw his pen
B. had seen your pen
C. had seen my pen
D. have seen his pen
E. had seen his pen

Jawaban : E

46. Mr. Abidin : Ah, Miss Anisah. Sit down please.
Can you write business letters in English ? 
Miss Anisah : Yes, sir. 
The underlined utterance is used to ask someone's .......
A. ability
B. Opinion
C. suggestion
D. approval
E. hope

Jawaban : A

47. Mono : Can I borrow you dictionary ? 
Tono : .......................... 
Which of these utterances can be used to complete the dialogue above ?
A. Thank you
B. That would
C. I don't like that
D. Sure. Here you are
E. I wouldn't say that

Jawaban : D

48. Harry's shoes are already worn out. He has just said to his father that he needs a new pair. He wants to know if his father agrees. What does Harry say to his father ? 
Harry : "Dad, my shoes are ready worn out. I think need a new pair ......."
Which of these expressions can be used to complete Harry's utter lance ?
A. Don't you see them ?
B. Don't you think so?
C. Don't you realize it ?
D. Don't you want them to be utterance ?
E. Don't you have same money to buy them?

Jawaban : B

49. Bakri and Tono have a meeting with Pak Slamet to talk about their plan for the coming holiday. 
What would they say ?
A. We will go to Tawang Mangu
B. We are going to Ujung Kulon
C. We are quite sure of what to do
D. We intend to go camping at cibubur
E. We are thinking of going to the Taman safari

Jawaban : E

50. Andi : Do you know Elly's phone number ? 
Iwan : It's 4810 
Andi : Really ? 
Iwan : ....... I phoned her last night.
A. Yes
B. Maybe
C. Sorry
D. Perhaps
E. Probably

Jawaban : A

The word 'alphabet' contents from alpha, and beta, the first two letters of the Greek system of writing.
The alphabet we know today was first developed by the ancient Egyptians. Their system of writing was called hieroglyphics, which means "priest writing", because the priests were the only people who knew how to write and use it. In this system signs or pictures were used to show both objects and ideas. So it was a kind of picture writing. Later, the Egyptians also used signs to stand for single letters. They did it like this : The Egyptian word for water was "nu" and the sign for it was a wavy line. Then they used this sign just for the sound "n", the first letter of their word for water.
After that came the Phoenicians, who developed a true alphabet where letter alone were used. They adopted most of the Egyptian letters, but some were quite different. Perhaps the letters were taken from the writing of the Assyrians. The Phoenician alphabet had nineteen letters and contained no vowels.
A great number of nations, including the Greeks, adopted Phoenician alphabet. The Greeks made some changes and added some vowels to it. The Greek alphabet contains twenty-four letters. Some of the letters are the same as we ourselves use, such as the letters N (Nu) and O (omicron).
When the Greeks had finished developing their alphabet, The Romans adopted it. They also made some changes. They added and dropped some letters and altered the shape of others.

1. What did the signs or pictures of the Egyptian system of writing show ?
A. kind of picture writing
B. Consonants and vowels
C. How to write and use
D. Objects and ideas
E. Single letters

Jawaban : D

2. The ancient Egyptian system of writing was called ...... which means "priest writing".
A. Egyptian letters
B. hieroglyphics
C. Phoenician
D. Greek system
E. alphabet

Jawaban : B

3. Which of the following statements is not true according to the text ?
A. The Phoenician alphabet contains no vowels
B. The Greek alphabet was adopted by the Romans
C. The Roman alphabet contains twenty three letters
D. It was the ancient Egyptians who first developed the alphabet
E. Many countries used the Roman alphabet because they liked it

Jawaban : C

4. Their system of writing was called hieroglyphics, which means "priest writing", because the priests were the only people who knew how to write and use it. (paragraph 2).
"It" in the above sentence refers to .......
A. writing
B. system
C. alphabet
D. hieroglyphics
E. system of writing

Jawaban : D

5. The Romans also adopted the Phoenician alphabet but dropped some letters and altered the shape of others. 
The underlined word in the above sentence means .........
A. used
B. took
C. changed
D. omitted
E. shortened

Jawaban : D

The Toraja are descendants of immigrants who entered Indonesia a long long time ago from South China. They believe in ancestral worship, and one of the customs that is still practiced today is the "death feast". A deceased person is not buried immediately, but kept in a coffin called "tongkonan" for as long as two years. The corpse is treated as though still among the living and offered food and drink. This practice comes to an end only when the burial ceremonies have taken place.
The preparations for a funeral take a long time and cost a lot of money. People need at least one year to prepare the "death feast" and to notify the relatives about the forth coming ceremonies. These preparations also take account of which social class the deceased belonged to, because only the members of the top and second classes are entitled to the most elaborate funeral ceremonies. On the other hand, members of the lowest classes are not permitted to hold such ceremonies, even though they may have reached high positions in society during their lifetimes.
The Toraja society recognizes three social classes, namely the highest class or "tokapua", to which belong the landlords and people in traditional leadership positions, the second class or "tomakako", to which belong smaller land owners and people in the middle class positions, and the common people or "tobuda", to which belong the manual-workers and the sharecroppers. The highest class makes up 5%, the second 25%, and the lowest 70% of the population, which according to the 1972 census numbered 316.986.

6. The Toraja stop offering food and drink to the dead person after .......
A. the person died
B. the burial ceremonies
C. one year preparation
D. two year preparation
E. the forth coming ceremonies

Jawaban : B

7. Why are the lowest classes not permitted to hold elaborate funeral ceremonies ?
A. They are manual workers
B. They are share croppers
C. They are lower classes
D. They are smaller landowners
E. They are strict to their customs

Jawaban : E

8. There are three social classes in the Toraja society. 
This idea is mentioned in paragraph ........
A. I
B. 2
C. 3
D. 1 and 2
E. 1 and 3

Jawaban : C

9. On the other hand, ... even though they may ... (paragraph 2).
What does they in the above sentence refer to ?
A. The members of the top classes
B. The members of the second classes
C. The members of the lowest classes
D. Elaborate funeral ceremonies
E. Such funeral ceremonies

Jawaban : D

10. A deceased person is not buried immediately. 
The following words/phrases have the same meaning as the underlined word, except ......
A. quickly
B. at once
C. directly
D. right now
E. right away

Jawaban : D

Cut Nyak Meutia was one of Indonesia's national heroines who fought bravely against the Dutch and who lost her life at the front in Aceh, North Sumatera. Her struggle is closely interwoven with the history of the Acehnese and their fight against the Dutch colonial government. Ever since the Dutch set foot in Aceh they had met with resistance and enmity from the entire population. Up to 1871 the authority of the Aceh Sultanate had been preserved and acknowledged by the outside world, including the west. But the Dutch had been waiting for an opportunity to crush that authority and to make Aceh part of the Dutch East Indies, like the test of the archipelago.
Cut Nyak Meutia was daughter of Teuku Ben Daud, a promirent leader and fighter. It is no wonder (bat Cut Nyak Meutia followed in her father's footsteps, because from an early age site fought bravely along with the men on the guerrilla war front. Site was married to Teuku Syamsarif was sympathetic to the Dutch, and uninterested in the plight of the Acehnese. As a devout
Muslim she could rot fight as a single woman because that would have been improper. Therefore she married Teuku Cut Muhammad, her first husband's younger brother, who was the opposite in character to his brother. Together with her second husband she crossed rivers, went down ravines, climbed mountains and crawled in the forests in guerrilla warfare against the Dutch. The couple led the revoit which exhausted the Dutch and the Acehnese alike. Exaspemted, the Dutch decided to put an end to this by resorting to trickery.
One day Teuku Cut Muhammad was invited by the Dutch Military Commander to conte for 'peace talks'. Muhammad accepted the invitation with high hopes, but while he was talking to a Dutch officer he was arrested. The death penalty was passed, but Muhammad was offered the opportunity of freedom if he apologized to the Dutoh. Teuku Cut Muhammad refused so the date was set for the execution.

11. Cut Nyak Meutia was divorced from Teuku Syamsarif because ........
A. they had no child
B. site didn't love him
C. site had a second husband
D. he was sympathetic to the Dutch
E. her father was a promirent leader while Syarif

Jawaban : D

12. What had the Dutch met since they set foot in Aceh ........
A. Refusal and hatred from the Acehnese
B. Sympathetic attitude from the leader
C. Good cooperation from the Aceh people
D. Acknowledgement of the Acehnese
E. The plight of the Acehnese

Jawaban : A

13. Which of the following statement is not true according to the text?
A. Teuku Ben Daud was Cut Nyak Meutia's father
B. Cut Nyak Meutia fought against the Acehnese
C. Teuku Syamsarif was Cut Nyak Meutia first husband
D. Cut Nyak Meutia was killed in a fight against the Dutch
E. The Dutch resorted to a trick to arrest Teuku Cut Muhammad

Jawaban : B

14. The First paragraph tells us that ....
A. the Dutch had a strong wish to occupy Aceh
B. the Dutch had met loyal acceptance in Aceh
C. Aceh became part of the Dutch in the very beginning
D. the Dutch played a trick to the Acehnese
E. the Dutch offered the opportunity of freedom

Jawaban : A

15. Teuku Syamsarif was uninterested in the plight of the Acehnese. (paragraph 2).
The underlined word means ....
A. suffering
B. cruelty
C. ill-manner
D. resistance
E. authority

Jawaban : E

His real name was Samuel Langhorn Clemens. His father died when he was still a child and his family was poor. One needs a living to live. He was forced to leave school and work with a small newspaper as an apprentice. He liked his job, but he wanted very much to write articles. "If only I were given the chance to write for this newspaper", he often wished: His wish came true when use day the editor of the newspaper was absent. In his absence, Sam had the chance to write. He wrote humorous things about the people of his, town. Humorous articles followed. The first articles made people angry; they thought the author made fun of them. It didn't take long, however, for them to realize that the articles meant no harm and indeed were very entertaining. As for Sam, the success of chose early articles made him realize that he had a talent for writing. Thus the way to world fame had been opened up.
Besides writing, adventure was another thing which deeply attracted Sam. The desire to have adventures made him travel a lot and led him to different kinds of jobs as he travelled from one place to another. He went to New York three years after his first article, and loud a job on a newspaper. Then be vient to Philadelphia, where be also worked on a newspaper.
He enjoyed the work in Philadelphia, but the call for adventure again took him away from his job. He returned to Missouri. This time be didn't work with a newspaper but became a steamboat pilot instead. It was on this steamboat that his imagination was fed with the experiences necessary for his latter literary works. Much of that be wrote later was actually the kind of life that he had lived before. He was aisle on his steamboat that be picked up the words "Mark Twain" for his per-naine later. The words, which were used by men on the steamboat to report the depth of the water, meant "two fathoms deep".

16. What did Mark Twain do after leaving school ?
A. He wrote articles for a newspaper
B. He worked with a small newspaper
C. He worked on a steamboat
D. He wrote humorous articles
E. He worked in New York

Jawaban : B

17. Samuel travelled a lot because ....
A. he wanted to become a steamboat pilot
B. he has written his first articles
C. he enjoyed different work
D. he liked adventures very much
E. he needed a better life

Jawaban : D

18. Which one of the statement is not true according to the test?
A. Front his first articles, Sam knew that he had a talent for writing
B. The articles Sam wrote made the people of this town entertained
C. Sam's pen-name was taken from the measurement used to report the depth of water.
D. After working as a steamboat pilot, Sam wrote a lot about his own experience
E. Sam's success in writing started when he was absent from his work in a small newspaper

Jawaban : E

19. Being inexperienced, Samuel was ... to a job on a newspaper with low wages.
A. apprenticed
B. entertained
C. desired
D. picked up
E. trained

Jawaban : A

20. The desire to have adventure made Mark Twain travel a lot.
The underlined word means ....
A. need
B. wish
C. will
D. want
E. talent

Jawaban : B


Water is an essential component of all living malter. The body itself consist of more than 70% water. Water is necessary for weathering processes that convert rock to soil and for the transport for us against the harmful radiations from outer space and the chilling temperatures at night. Water is so much a part of our daily lives that we take all this for granted, we drink it, wash with it, use it to dispose of our waste products and for countless other domestic purposes.
The widest use of water in some countries is for irrigation. The farmers grow rice extensively to satisfy the need for this staple food. With the programmes priority to increase rice production, the heavy use of water for agriculture will continue in the future.
Industry depends on water. The manufacture of foodstuffs, textiles, piper-marking, steel industries and the production of thermal power are enormous water consumers.
Water sources can be classified as either surface water or ground water. Surface water originates from two main sources, rivers and rainfall which act as the sources of water in urban areas. Rain water falling on land areas partly infiltrates the earth's surface and is partly intercepted by plants, white some evaporates. Water collected in lakes, swamps streams and rivers can be used to provide an urban water supply.
It is a natural tendency to think of our water supply in terms of surface water, but the amount available art any given time in.streams, lakes and rivers is less than 3%. The largest amount, more than 97%a is ground water. Therefore ground water resources still serve as the major source.
With the growing demand for clean water we have to look for new sources. In addition to spring water, Indonesian cities at present obtain water through the purification of surface water, by means of deep wells, and in some instance also from shallow wells. Jakarta and Bandung are examples of chies that obtain additional water from deep wells. Madiun gets water from a battery of shall Wells, at depths varying from 8 to 17 metres.

21. What is the use of water for plants !
A. For weathering processes
B. For disposing of waste products
C. For the chilling temperatures at night
D. For the transportation of soil nutrients
E. For protection for the radiations from other space

Jawaban : D

22. The first paragraph talks about ....
A. the body that consists of lots of water
B. water that can change into soil
C. water that can be in the form of vapour
D. the danger of water for human beings
E. the importance of water for human beings

Jawaban : E

23. Which of the statement is not true according to the text ?
A. Water can be used for recreation
B. We need more water for agriculture
C. Rainfall is the biggest resource of water
D. Surface water comes from rivers and rainfall
E. Technological advances can make more water available

Jawaban : C

24. ..... is another way to get clean water in big cities.
A. Making dams
B. Water purification
C. Collecting rainfall
D. Making irrigation
E. Water Supply

Jawaban : B

25. Steel industries and the production of thermal power are enormous water consumers.
The underlined word means ........
A. a large number of
B. a small number of
C. a number of
D. little
E. lack of

Jawaban : A

26. The head of a university is a ....
A. head master
B. lecturer
C. rector
D. dean
E. clerk

Jawaban : C

27. There are a lot of cars for visitors to ... if they want to travel around the City.
A. drive
B. find
C. buy
D. catch
E. hire

Jawaban : E

28. A Buddhist priest will sprinkle holy water on to the couple. 
The word 'sprinkle' means ....
A. pour
B. throw
C. spray
D. shower
E. spread

Jawaban : C

29. Look at the picture !

What is the name of this kind of sport ?
A. Long jump
B. Shot put
C. Hurdles
D. High jump
E. Pole vault

Jawaban : D

30. If you open a savings account, you will get ... on your money.
A. loan
B. credit
C. check
D. investment
E. interest

Jawaban : E

31. Jane : Where's Budi? 
John : Sorry, he's not here. I think he ... TV in the living room
A. watch
B. watches
C. watched
D. is watching
E. will watch

Jawaban : D

32. The tiger is climbing ........ the tree.

A. at
B. on
C. up
D. into
E. over

Jawaban : C

33. Barri : Can I borrow your English bock, Yanti? 
Yanti : Sure. But when ....?
A. was it returned
B. will it been returned
C. has it been returned
D. is it being returned
E. had it been returned

Jawaban : B

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