UN Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA/SMK/MA TA 2015/2016

Exercise before test

Hi kids, of course you want to get good mark from the test that you are going to face next week. For that you have to prepare yourselves better:
Here are some materials that you have to prepare:
1. Reading comprehension of descriptive text, narrative 
text, and news item.
2. Some expressions used in dioalogue such as expressing 
surprise, believe and disbelieve, desire, hope, etc.
3. Functional text such as letters and advertisements.
4. Vocabularies related with the text.

For your exercise you can answer the following sample of reading test!
Remember kids, that your next test is not multiple choice, but essay. OK try do the following exercise!

Reading Comprehension 
Text Narrative

Text 1 

He was a serb, she was a Bosnian. They had been sweethearts since high school, both were 25 year old, and both died through the same mindless hatred that has doomed 138,000 Bosnians in the past year. But their final embrace goes further than perhaps any other image in capturing the intimate, unutterable sadness of this war.
When Bosko's family fled Sarajevo for Serbia, he chose to remain in the besieged city rather than abandon his lover. " He had no one here, just Adrnira, " explained the Acimira's mother. " He stayed in Sarajevo because of her, And Admira wanted to repay him by traveling with him to Serbia." After striking a deal with local commanders for safe passage across the battle lines, the couple set out on foot. They carried only two bags and their hope of living together in peace. Exposed to snipers from both sides, they passed into no-man's land near Urbana Bridge. And then, somebody mowed them down with a machine gun.
When they were hit, Bosko died instantly. Mortally wounded, Admira crawled over and, during her final seconds, succeeded in tenderly wrapping her arm around his body. Then she passed away.

1 The text tells us about....
a. two lovers underwent mortal incident.
b. two lovers enjoyed the honeymoon.
c. two lovers lived in peace.
d. two lovers lived happily.
e. two adventures did successful expedition.

2. Which of the following information is true according to the text?
a Bosko was twenty-five years old, and so was Admira.
b Bosko and Admira were Bosnians.
c.The couple shot the snipers.
d.When they were hit, they passed away side by side.
e.They crossed the battle line by car.

3. What did the second person do before dying?
a. fighting against the snipers.
b. Lifting his body to find shelter.
c. Crying continuously.
d. wrapping her arms around his body.
e. reporting this incident to the authority.

4. Bosko and Admira died because of'.
a. Famine.
b. the snipers.
c. too mush burden.
d. dehydration.
e. Severe disease

5. When Bosko's family fled Sarajevo for Serbia, he chose 
remain in the besieged city rather than abandon his 
lover. (Par.2) the word remain means … 
a. leave b. abandon c. struggle d. stay 

Text 2irds, Beasts, and Bat

The birds and -the beasts were at war. This had been going on for long time and many battles had been fought. Sometimes the birds won, and the beasts lost. But there was one creature that was always on the winning side, which ever it fight, and that was the bat. If the bat thought the side, he was fighting for was losing, he simply changed to the other side. The birds and beasts noticed, of course. It was hard not to.
Finally an agreement was reached and the war between the birds and the beasts was ended. The bat was sure that now he would be popular with every one. After all, hadn’t he helped to win every battle? “ They might even make me king,” he thought proudly. But things didn’t work out quite the way he expected.
“You are a two – faced traitor,” said the birds and the beasts. “ You are loyal to no one. You let down both sides. We want nothing more to do with you.
From that day onwards the bat was an outcast, shunned by both birds and beasts.
Take from Practice and Progress, 1994

6. The creature who always pro to the winner in the fight is …. 
a. the beast c. the bat
b. the birds d. the cat
e. the cat an the bat

7. Finally an agreement was reached. The word agreement has the same meaning as 
a. compact c. park
b. compromise d. compliance
e. contra

8. The story about birds, beats, and bat is called ….
a. fable c. folklore
b. folktale d. fairytale
e. myth

9. The moral value of the story is
a. don't ever trust anyone except you really know
b. don't ever fight with your friend
c. try to become a popular one
d. be a loyal person
e. You can believe to everyone

Text 3
Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella. She lived with her stepsister and stepmother. They were very bossy. She had to do all the housework.
One day an invitation to the ball came to the family. Her stepsister did not let her go, so Cinderella was very sad. The stepsister went to the ball without her.
Fortunately, the fairy good mother came and helped her to get to the ball. At the ball, Cinderella danced with the prince. The prince fell in love with her then he married her. They lived Happily ever after.

10. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to 
the text?
a. Cinderella lied with her stepsisters. 
b. Cinderella was helped by a fairy to get to the ball
c. Cinderella felt happy with her husband. 
d. Cinderella was helped by her stepsister-to do all the 
house work
e. Cinderella felt annoyed with her stepsisters.

11 The communicative purpose of this text is to … .
a. entertain the reader with a fairy tale.
b. describe how Cinderella went to the ball.
c. persuade the readers to read the story.
d. inform the readers about Cinderella’s 
e. explain to the readers why Cinderella’s stepsister hated her 
so much.

12. “They were very bossy. “ (Paragraph 1) 
The word “bossy” means … .
a. furious b. arrogant c. sensitive
d. offensive e. domineering

Text 4

"Koko, where are you?" Hamid called softly to his cat. "He may have wandered to the harbour," said Hamid's friend, Muchtar.'
Soon, the boys were at the harbour's gate, marked 'Gate 6', of Priok Harbour. Two policemen were guarding the gate. The boys moved quietly so that the policemen would not see them. The boys knew the policemen would chase them away if they saw them.
The boys knew Koko was somewhere near the gate because they had heard him meowing. The sound seemed to have come from a taxi that was parked near by. Hamid and Muchtar saw two men standing beside the taxi. The men were talking in low tones. Then, one of them opened the car-boot, and Hamid saw Koko crouching among some bags.,
Not long after that, the men left. Hamid quickly ran to the taxi. Finding the boot unlocked, Hamid lifted the lid. What a shock! There were bags of explosive! At the moment, Hamid heard the men coming back. He swept Koko into his arms and ran back to where Muchtar was keeping watch.
"Those men are smugglers trying to bring explosive into the harbour," Hamid whispered to Muchtar.
"What shall we do?" asked Muchtar fearfully.
"We must alert the policemen at the gate," Hamid said.
The boys moved cautiously until they reached the gate. Hamid told the policemen what he had seen. The policemen did not really believe him, but they went with the boys to the taxi. The policemen were just in time to see the men taking the bags of explosive out of the boot.
The policemen quickly stopped the men and handcuffed them.

13. Where did the two boys see the smugglers?
a. Somewhere near the harbour.
b. At the guarded gate.
c. At Priok harbour.
d. Near a taxi. 
e. At gate 6.

14. Hamid …. when he saw bags of explosives inside the boot. 
a. ran back to Muchtar's place
b. swept Koko into his arms
c. found the boot unlocked
d. left the taxi. quickly
e. was very shocked

15. "The policemen quickly stopped the men and handcuffed them." (The last paragraph) This part of the text is called ....
a. resolution 
b. reorientation
c. orientation 
d. complication
e. description

Text 5.

Once upon a time there was a poor widow who had an only son named Jack. They were so poor that they didn't have anything except a cow. When the cow had grown too old, his mother sent Jack to the market to sell it. On the way to the market, Jack met a butcher who had some beautiful beans in his hand. The butcher told the boy that the beans were of great value and persuaded the silly lad to sell the cow for the beans.
Jack brought them happily. When he told his mother about this, his mother became so angry that she threw the beans out of the window.
When Jack woke up in the morning, he felt the sun shining into a part of his room, but all the rest was quite dark and shady.
So he jumped to the window. What did he see? The beanstalk grew up quite close past Jack's window. He opened the window and jumped to the beanstalk which ran up just like a big ladder.
He climbed ... and climbed till at last he reached the sky. While looking around, he saw a very huge castle. He was very amazed.
Then Jack walked along the path leading to the castle. There was a big tall woman on the doorstep. Jack greeted her and asked for the giantess' mercy to give him breakfast, because he felt very hungry. Although the giantess grumbled at first, finally she gave Jack a hunk of bread and cheese and a jug of milk.
Jack hadn't finished when the whole house began to tremble with the noise of someone's coming. "Oh! It's my husband!" cried the giantess. "What on earth shall I do?" Hastily the giantess opened a very big cupboard and hid Jack there.

16. Where did Jack sell his cow? 
a. At a castle.
b. At- the market.
c. At the giant's castle.
d. At the butcher's house. 
e. On the way to the market.

17. What is the story about?
a. Jack and a butcher.
b. Jack and the giantess.
c. Jack and the bean stalk.
d. A poor widow and his son.
e. The giantess and her husband.

18. "Oh! It's my husband!" cried the giantess. (Paragraph 7) "What on earth shall I do?"
From the sentence we know that the giantess is ... her husband.
a. afraid of
b. angry with
c. fed up with
d. annoyed with
e displeased with

19. Jack's mother looked very furious when Jack told that…
a. the beans were precious
b. the butcher bought his cow
c. he had sold his cow to a butcher
d. he traded his cow for the beans
e. he met a butcher on the way to the market

20. What do we learn from the text?
a. Sincerity makes Jack get something precious. 
b. Jack's mother was a furious mother.
c. Poverty makes people hopeless.
d. The giantess took pity on Jack.
e. Jack was an innocent boy.

Text 6
The Tyrant Who Became a Just Ruler

In the olden times there was a king who was so cruel and unjust toward his subjects that he was always called The Tyrant. So heartless was he that his people used to pray night and day that they might have a new king.
One day, much to their surprise, he called his people together and said to them, "My dear subjects, the days of my tyranny are over. Henceforth, you shall live in peace and Happiness, for I have decided to try my rule henceforth justly and well."
The King kept his words so well that soon he was known throughout the land as The Just King. By and by one of his favourites came to him said, "Your Majesty, I beg you to tell me how it was that you had this change of heart towards your people."
And the King replied, "As I was galloping through my forests one afternoon, I caught sight of a hound chasing a fox. The fox escaped into his hole, but not until he had been bitten by the dog so badly that he would be lame for life. The hound, returning home, met a man who threw a stone at him, which broke his leg. And the horse, starting to run, fell into a hole and broke his leg. Here I came to my senses, and resolved to change my rule. 'For surely,' I said to myself,' he who does evil will sooner or later be overtaken by evil."

21. Which of the statements is TRUE?
a. The king was chased by a fox.
b. The king's behaviour never changed.
c. The man was thrown with a stone by a hound.
d The king's subjects hated him when he was a tyrant.
e. In the olden times the King was loved by his subjects.

22. Paragraph two tells us that the King ....
a. never ended the day of his tyranny
b. showed his surprise to his subjects
c. decided to rule his subjects unjustly
d. warned his subjects to obey his rules
e changed his behaviour and became a just ruler

23. The communicative purpose of this text is .. 
a. to criticize a work of art 
b. to share an account of unusual or amusing incidents with others
c. to describe particular person 
d. to entertain and deal with actual or vicarious experience
e. to describe how something is accomplished

24. The organization of the text above is ....
a. Goal, Material, Steps
b. Identification, Description
c. Newsworthy event, Background Event, Sources
d. Orientation, Crisis, Reaction, Coda, Reflection
e Orientation, Evaluation, Complication, Resolution, Reorientation

25. To show the real words of the speakers, the writer uses ....
a.passive voice
b.direct speech
C.reported speech
d.simple past tense
e.simple present tense

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